
Privacy Policy

  Welcome to our Privacy Policy. On July16, 2023, we last updated and released our privacy policy. It sets forth the privacy policies for our mobile applications, which are owned and run by Nadeem Usman Haider Games and are particularly available on Google Play and the Apple App Store. Terms with capital letters that are not otherwise defined in our Privacy Policy have the definitions found in our Terms of Service. Our top priority is maintaining your privacy. In order for you to understand how we collect, utilize, communicate, disclose, and employ personal information, we have prepared this Policy. Your personal information is not directly used by us. Third-party ad networks and SDKs utilize your information to enhance your app experience and enable in-app purchases. You consent to the collection and use of information in line with this policy by using the app. Here is a summary of our privacy practices. .>> We shall specify the purposes for information collection before or at t